Wednesday 21 February 2007

Snail Mail

Last night I wrote a letter, for my Grandad. And it was probably the second hardest thing I've ever done

Today I went to the Chapel of Rest, and placed the letter on his chest, so that he could read it when he makes his final journey, so that he would know how I felt and it would be just between the two of us. And it was probably the hardest thing I've ever done.

Looking down upon his face he looked so different. The glow in his cheeks, the twinkle in his eye, the big teethy grin, were all gone, and what was left was a stranger to me. The body that lay before me was not my Grandad, but a man I had never seen before.

And I cried no tears, because I knew that this was not MY grandad. He was somewhere else, glowing, twinkling, smiling, just like he always does. I know he is at peace now. And so am I

Tomorrow will be his cremation, and although I'll cry, I'll secretly be happy, because I know I said my goodbye, and he'll be waiting for me on the other side

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