Friday 22 June 2007

I had THE weirdest dream last night

Basically I lived in a community, that lived in a field in tents (kind of like Download only without music), and at the side of this field was this big mansion where we would all commune in the evenings, and I lived with people that I hardly see or have never even met, although I do remember Karin being in the first part of the dream, and running with me

The first part of the dream didn't really freak me out, but well let's just say there were tigers and I had to run into the mansion to stop them from mauling me in my tent at night

But the main bit that freaked me out was the fact that every day at a different time, I would randomly pass out and wake up in this warehouse, because some guy who I work with (in real life) had kidnapped me somehow, and I would have to do a task to get out. It was like a cross between Pat Sharp's Fun House and the movie Saw. I couldn't look at my colleague straight today...

Like in this one instance I was in said warehouse and along the side walls there was like little houses and shops, and a big water mill at the back and every so often this cloudy bluey green water would come flowing out at me and settle, then come rushing out again, and I would be struggling and choking on the water. And I could hear his voice telling me I had to escape, but it just made me struggle even more

I'm not too sure about how I got out of that. I must have done somehow though, because the last thing about the dream I remember was trying to re-dye my hair, and the brown layer turning blond, and the blond layer turning brown, and then there being a ginger layer in between the two so I looked like a tiger. I was looking in this mirror trying to smooth this bucket of dye through my hair and crying because it was all going wrong. And then I ran into my bedroom, and my bath was where my bed should be, then I was frantically trying to empty my bath of toys and bras and stuff, so I could get the dye out of hair quickly

I have to say it's up there with the weirdest dreams I've ever had. I wish it I knew what it meant. And don't suggest that it means I'm crazy because that's pretty much a given!!

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